Actively Seek Out The Potential in This Moment
Actively Seek Out The Potential in This Moment is the title of the show. Well, I’m actually thinking of it more as an e.p. than a show. A four-song/piece collection built around a central theme; in this case the theme is the title. What I like about this format is that it has allowed me to bring together several different ideas that I didn’t know quite where to put and to give them a more powerful place by grouping them together under this central idea of squeezing out the preciousness latent in each moment.
Breathe video-
When I began thinking about utilizing this empty storefront, one of the first thoughts in my mind was how could I breathe some life back into this space. This video is one of a series I have been working on that deal with simple everyday bodily occurrences that once magnified by duration and the camera begin to take on greater symbolic significance. So I felt it fit perfectly into this theme and space as the subjects literally push this vital breath back and forth creating a current of life giving breath.
Stereo Compositions for Lonely Frogs and Dying Moths boxset-
This piece too is part of an ongoing series of boxsets I am making centered around what I feel are powerful moments captured through field recording. I take these recordings and look for the best way to show their beauty and reveal a part of the context from which they came. In this case the recordings were done in the woods of Maine, the sounds were gently worked into two compositions then pressed onto a record that will deteriorate with each play, thereby releasing the sounds back into the air.
Sometimes You Have to Tear Down to Build Up video
This video is strange to me because in order to show a tree growing piece by piece, you actually have to cut it down piece by piece. This cutting down seems at odds with my personal feeling towards nature, but I think the process exposes a simple and beautiful moment in the end. By the way, these were all overgrown shrubs along my fence line that needed pruning, just in case you were wondering.
Field recordings being played aloud in the space.
I can’t think of a better way for myself to actively seek out the potential in the moment than to strap on my earphones and gather up my recording equipment then to go out into the world and actively listen to what it is telling me. It is an audible snapshot of a different time and place transposed onto this storefront here in Austin. Some of these recordings are waiting to be made into boxsets and some I just wanted to share.
Justin Boyd